
Advice. Training.


Areas of Practice


Philanthropy Advisory

Jamie has significant experience working directly with global philanthropists and their families. He can provide advice and consulting services for philanthropists that need help to define their philanthropic objectives, identify how to get involved and work with non-profit and charity partners.

Services include

  • Connecting you with like-minded partners in the UK and globally.

  • Defining your objectives, understanding what impact looks like and creating a focussed strategy.

  • Reviewing the landscape where you want to make an impact and recommend options.

  • Meet with potential non-profits and charities.

  • Help with foundation set up, work with legal and financial advisors.

  • Bringing your family into your philanthropy, giving everyone a role and a stake.

  • Ongoing management of your philanthropy, partner liaison and impact measurement.

Fundraising Training

Jamie provides both structured and bespoke fundraising training for trustee boards and fundraising teams. He specialises in raising funds from philanthropists and major donors.

Structured Fundraising Training for Boards

Jamie holds regular half-day training for boards of trustees. The training includes an understanding of the following:

  • How trustees can be an effective support for the executive and fundraising teams.

  • Working in smaller charities - how trustees can make a difference when resources are limited.

  • How trustees can be fundraising ambassadors and networkers for their charities.

  • The basics of fundraising.

  • Raising funds from philanthropists.

Bespoke philanthropy training for fundraising teams

This includes the following:

  • From donor identification to stewardship, the step by step process to follow to raise major gifts.

  • Making the most of your database, executive, trustees, networks, brand position and cause.

  • Strategies for engaging new donors and retaining existing donors.

  • Making sure your language and marketing is appealing.

  • Case studies and role play.

  • Moves Management.

Fundraising Coaching

Jamie can provide coaching to managerial and senior staff, helping them become more effective and supportive of their teams and organisations. He can support on a retained basis, available for calls or meetings on a monthly/bi-monthly basis.

Coaching can run from 6-12 months and include either fortnightly or monthly calls where we review issues and challenges - and chart a way forward. The focus can be on team management, developing donor solicitation strategies or creating new fundraising opportunities.

Jamie can also provide group coaching via video conference, helping teams stay focussed on their pipelines and discussing strategies to find and convert potential donors.